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Meet Yakir MP3 & Video MP4

Meet Yakir Elkayam (Israel)

Meet Yakir Elkayam (Israel)


33 minutes, 50 seconds

Interview with Yakir Aharonov

Interview with Yakir Aharonov

George Musser

5 minutes, 22 seconds

Quantum Dialogues: The Interplay Between Time \u0026 Choice. Yakir Aharonov \u0026 Avshalom Elitzur

Quantum Dialogues: The Interplay Between Time \u0026 Choice. Yakir Aharonov \u0026 Avshalom Elitzur


1 hour, 16 minutes, 12 seconds

Quantum Entanglement, Explained

Quantum Entanglement, Explained

Progress - Science Documentaries

58 minutes, 30 seconds



Institute for Quantum Studies

58 minutes, 10 seconds

Isra \u0026 Me’raj: The Sacred Ascension | Dr. Ali Ataie

Isra \u0026 Me’raj: The Sacred Ascension | Dr. Ali Ataie

Muslim Community Center of the East Bay

1 hour, 26 minutes, 30 seconds

ריאיון עם פרופ' יקיר אהרונוב חבר האקדמיה

ריאיון עם פרופ' יקיר אהרונוב חבר האקדמיה

The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

1 hour, 5 minutes, 16 seconds

The Great Jam in the Mountains I | Feat Yakir Hillel

The Great Jam in the Mountains I | Feat Yakir Hillel


14 minutes, 17 seconds

Instruments imitations on guitar

Instruments imitations on guitar


2 minutes, 42 seconds

Dr Michal Yakir PhD RCHom - Homeopathy Seminar - The Rosidae - Meeting the Other

Dr Michal Yakir PhD RCHom - Homeopathy Seminar - The Rosidae - Meeting the Other

Michal Yakir - International Homeopathy Seminars

4 minutes, 8 seconds

'Trituration \u0026 Homeopathy' - Seminar 25.-29. November with Dr  Michal Yakir PhD RCHom in Thailand

'Trituration \u0026 Homeopathy' - Seminar 25.-29. November with Dr Michal Yakir PhD RCHom in Thailand

Michal Yakir - International Homeopathy Seminars

3 minutes, 39 seconds

Homeopathic Trituration Seminar with Dr. Michal Yakir PhD RCHom November 25-29, 2024 in Thailand

Homeopathic Trituration Seminar with Dr. Michal Yakir PhD RCHom November 25-29, 2024 in Thailand

Michal Yakir - International Homeopathy Seminars

2 minutes, 44 seconds

Grasses, Ginger \u0026 Co a Seminar by Dr. Michal Yakir PhD RCHom |

Grasses, Ginger \u0026 Co a Seminar by Dr. Michal Yakir PhD RCHom |

Michal Yakir - International Homeopathy Seminars

4 minutes, 8 seconds

Yakir Arbib - crazy rhythm @ Alexanderplatz Club (Roma)

Yakir Arbib - crazy rhythm @ Alexanderplatz Club (Roma)


2 minutes, 48 seconds

The Table of Plants by Michal Yakir - part 1

The Table of Plants by Michal Yakir - part 1

Нецензурная гомеопатия от Куршена

7 minutes, 36 seconds